If you like to paint, love being around like-minded creatives, enjoy a cuppa and a chat, and would love to explore and enhance your painting skills, then why not join one of my painting classes at Macroom School of Art.

Work on your own project, at your own pace, while learning colour-mixing and an array of painting techniques in watercolours, acrylics and oils to develop or enhance your own style.

To book your place, please contact the  Macroom School of Art ([email protected]) 

Looking forward to meeting you!

Student Exhibition

Doing these classes, I soon realised that after completion most of these beautiful pieces of art were only viewed within the household of the painter, only seen by a few. So, a few years ago I decided to organise a yearly exhibition with all of my students’ works to give them more exposure and the so deserved encouragement and praise from a wider audience.

These are some images of students’ works and of the successful exhibitions we held in the past.